Sunday, February 13, 2011

Coz it's our story; valentines day...

hmm :x. it's valentines day... a month from our anniversary...
reiya so weird :x
not telling what she wants >|<...
I hope she's not like this in person..
right Baka?
hm she's busy again and
I'm, like always, sending her miss you messages on her msn and stuff
crazy si lah =.= I think I'm crazy.... I know no one will reply.. but I still post and post and post
*knocks head*
I'm such an idiot.
hm okie lah :x
happy valentines to all...
hope u are all happy

I hope ur happy. reiya
happy valentines my dear
-gives white daisys-
I love you my Baka

best regards.....

Lao gong.

we will never forget eachother^~^ so
I give you my love,
from my heart; 7:17 AM

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Coz it's our story; depressed

hmm don't know what's wrong recently....
hmm feeling down alot... just idk...
not sad... and not happy.. always feeling like something is wrong...
maybe just lonely recently >.<
reiya so busy.. and seriously.. without her.. I'm lonly as a tree in a desert..
can't be helped I guess..
really be bored..
not in mood to do anything at all..
not happy about anything..

a simple fake smile can help alot when a person is like this..
and that's what i've been doing...
sad upset or something of the sort..
the most I smile without reiya's accompany is when I'm in front of a teacher and having. fake smile so they won't know that something is wrong..
it's a bad way of keeping people around me happy..
but no one knows...
no one knows me for me.. except reiya..

I'm serious...
no one on earth not even parents... know me for me....
then don't know what I like... what I hate... and the reason for the way I do things
=.= just sad posting...
okie lah :x express feeling alittle already can...
keep everything else inside where no one will find it..
so I'll always be the one to suffer inside.. (: and the people around can be happy....

best regards to you work reiya...

love you.

we will never forget eachother^~^ so
I give you my love,
from my heart; 6:18 AM

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Coz it's our story; Chinese new year

:x hmm okie had dinne with fam at home
very very nice ^~^
hmm this week have performance for my navy program
tired really..
reiya is so busy lately:..
I'm actuall sorta feeling bad..
always have a feeling that im like another resposibility for reiya..
she rarely go on now..
most I get to see her is when she's working and the one phrase I get to say
it's so sad..
I miss her alot..
not sure if she knows
I'm just missing her too much I guess.......
anyways happy new year to you reiya..
hope you enjoy it with whoever.. family or sis or someone...
suppose that's ll I have to post...
not really in mood... but just wanted to atleast write something for the new year I guess...
it's not really a good thing to be depressed during new years but..
idk.. I sorta expect it already.. how life is gonna be for another year...
hmm that's it.

love you soo much my honeykins.
you really don't know how much I miss you.. even just a few says are
like years for me..
not sure if she knows how much she means to me
she means ALOT! more then anything in the world
okie a bit mushy.. but what ever xD
I'm crazy for her!

best regards

Lao Gong Ryo

we will never forget eachother^~^ so
I give you my love,
from my heart; 5:56 AM

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Coz it's our story; blog blog

^~^ hm ok
she's not angry anymore
and I'm soo happy ^~^
just don't like seeing her Mad or upset
my girl is so wonderful~
now at work..
she's sooo busy.
but ofcourse I can't say anyhing about it lorh
work is work mah..
her compy down lorh.. not good
>.< she cannot go on arh..
makes me a bit sad Lorh..
since she dosent on..
i don't find myself checking my msn what so ever..
hmm tells me exactly how much she is important lorh..
ok ^~^
now she is atleast online ^~^
although she is not replying or such.. iguess
I'm happy still..
knowing she's around
loves her to death
I hope she's gets compy fixed lorh..
gonna be hard not to see her..
T.T two days without her is already so painful..
I really can't imagine anytime that is longer
>.< *kiss*
love you my wife~ hehe ;p

best regards ^~^
your hubby

we will never forget eachother^~^ so
I give you my love,
from my heart; 5:53 AM

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Coz it's our story; preparing

ok first of.. talesweaver..
hmm let's see
actually gotten disputes and such becuz of game with my reiya.
I think it's not the game..
I think it's just me trying to get some attention from her
;x apperantly I get jelous very easily..
not just with people but with things to.
it's not the first time.. seal online seemed the same thing... I always
wait for reply then end up really late reply.. and I think she is busy
then I get mad.. and then she gets angry and so on..
I've actually found the cause of all this stupid non sense..
it's becuz of selfish ryo..
some people say it but I didn't believe.. heh well.. sorta found out with my special person's help.
hmm now she's out I think ;X idk..
earlier she logged on then chat a little then offed... hmm dunno if she doing something
else or such..
ermm really missing her
>< she's too special..
I really am willing to change...
;x as soon as she gets back I want to be able to talk to her..
without dispute..
just to tell her...
that I'm willing to change if it makes her happy...
really.. I think I might be one of those few that might do anything to keep a girl's heart
my Baka don't believe in a peron who is willing to give anything for her
I guess I'm gonna prove her wrong in a few years.
I really do love her..
but my sense of intense jelousy is Keep getting in the way D;
hmm missing her now...
tomorrow going to gun range or field to shoot some realy guns muhaha
wan try take pic lorh.
see if rei wan
I'm really curious of something that rei probly wouldn't answer..
why Is she so shy to show my her pics..
hmm I wonder
I wonder if it's cuz she thinks it's her looks that I'm here for.
I wonder if it's cuz she things it's how she does things that I'm here for..
I wonder why
just to tell you,
I love you very much!
no words can describe my heart felt love for you..

you are a truly special girl..
I wouldn't not trade you for anyone in the world..
you seriously can't be replaced in my heart...
even if we don't become married...
my heart will still have a spot with your name on it...
I have written your name in my heart...
and it will never go away...
I know kinda mushy...
hmm hope she likes it lorh
*kiss kiss*
^~^ wo hao ai ni arh Lao lo.
跟我结分好吧?快来zhuo我老婆。 我要每天也见到你的可爱象!

hope I got it right >< love you!<3

ok night my dear
jia yous training ^^ I'll try to hold back so you can chase and win
^~^ love you!!

we will never forget eachother^~^ so
I give you my love,
from my heart; 7:13 AM


AnyOne ^.^


HeHe ermm im 16, in love with reiya ^.^hehe go to Father duenuas.. Works Part time.


some games ^.^ reiya hehe alot and sports and schoool


don't dislike anything but.. I do dislike being apart from my reiya ^~^


I want to get out of school sooner and be able to be next to my reiya everyday and everysecond of my life. hehe also wish that reiya could be my wife someday ^~^ hehe ... someday maybe ...^~^i wish anyways ^~^


my most precious jewel in the world... hehe my reiya ^~^ and bobo if she let's me love him <33




Designer; ZEE
Brushes; Love Brushes
Adobe Photoshop; CS3 Extended trial
Image; Sakura and Syaoran corner/ S&S 3